The Composition of the Italian Committee for Bioethics (23 March 2018)
Prof. Lorenzo d’AVACK |
Professor Emeritus of Philosophy of Law and Professor of Biolaw and New Technologies - L.U.I.S.S. |
Deputy Vice President |
Professor of Philosophy of Law, Lumsa University of Rome | |
dr. Riccardo DI SEGNI | Chief Rabbi of Rome | |
Prof. Mariapia GARAVAGLIA |
Ex Minister of Health |
Prof. Salvatore AMATO | Professor of Philosophy of Law, University of Catania | |
Prof. Luisella BATTAGLIA |
Professor of Moral Philosophy and Bioethics, University of Genoa | |
Prof. Carlo CALTAGIRONE | Former Professor of Neurology, University ‘Tor Vergata” Rome, – Medical Director “Santa Lucia” Foundation Rome | |
Prof. Stefano CANESTRARI | Professor of Criminal Law, University “Alma Mater Studiorum” Bologna | |
Prof. Cinzia CAPORALE | Technology Director, National Research Council of Italy (CNR) Coordinator, Comittee for Ethics and Integrity of Research | |
Prof. Carlo CASONATO |
Professor of Comparative Public Law, University of Trento |
Prof. Francesco D’AGOSTINO |
Professor Emeritus of Philosophy of Law, University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ |
Prof. Bruno DALLAPICCOLA | Scientific Director of Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital, Rome | |
Prof. Antonio DA RE | Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Padua | |
Prof. Mario DE CURTIS | Professor of Pediatrics, University of Rome 'La Sapienza' | |
Prof. Gian Paolo DONZELLI |
Former Professor of Pediatrics University of Florence, President of Meyer Foundation |
Prof. Silvio GARATTINI |
President of the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Milan |
Prof. Marianna GENSABELLA | Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Messina | |
Prof. Maurizio MORI |
Professor of Moral Philosophy and Bioethics, University of Turin, President of “Consulta di Bioetica Onlus” |
Prof. Assunta MORRESI |
Professor of Chemistry-Physics, University of Perugia |
Prof. Tamar PITCH |
Former Professor of Philosophy and Sociology of Law, University of Perugia |
Prof. Lucio ROMANO |
Head Gynaecologist, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology University Federico II - Naples |
Prof. Massimo SARGIACOMO |
Professor of Accounting, University of Chieti-Pescara 'G. D’Annunzio' |
Prof. Luca SAVARINO | Professor of Bioethics, Eastern Piedmont. Coordinator Bioethics Committee of Italian Baptist, Methodist and Valdensian Churches | |
Prof. Lucetta SCARAFFIA | Former Professor of Contemporary History, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ | |
Prof. Monica TORALDO DI FRANCIA | Former Professor of Bioethics, University of Florence | |
Prof. Grazia ZUFFA | Psychologist and Psychoterapist |
President of National Research Council | Prof. Massimo Inguscio |
Delegate: Dr. Giovanni Maga |
President of the Superior Health Council | Prof. Franco Locatelli | Delegate: Prof. Paola Di Giulio | |
President of the National Federation of MDs and Dentists Colleges | Prof. Filippo Anelli | Delegate: Dr. Maurizio Benato | |
President of the National Federation of the Orders of the Italian Veterinarians | Dott. Gaetano Penocchio | Delegate: Dr. Carla Bernasconi | |
Commissioner of the National Institute of Health | Prof. Silvio Brusaferro | Delegate: Dr. Carlo Petrini |