27 May 2011
In this document the ICB does not offer a systematic study of all care aspects: its purpose is to draw public attention on a complex area of disability which not only requires the efforts of paediatricians or specialists, but also the structuring of a dense network of connections established with child psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatrists, different social and health care professionals working in the local area, educators and school staff, as well as a strong collaboration with neurobiologists for research progress and lastly (but certainly in the foreground) with families and their representative associations and voluntary associations.
It was thus considered appropriate to give the document the following order of discussion which traces its boundaries:
- reference to the most important data that emerged from the over twenty years research on the "autistic spectrum", the classification and genesis of the disorder, through the analysis of the involved factors;
- analysis of the consequences of the brain disorder on the affective, cognitive and executive functions;
- reference to the autistic individual’s rights in the light of fundamental human rights and "positive rights", evaluated from predominantly bioethical standpoints;
- analysis of the habilitation and education issues, as they appear today in the national framework and beyond, at international-European levels;
- results of auditions of experts, families and associations held at the ICB;
- conclusions and recommendations.